IaaS Hosting Company 3W Infra Unveils Mid-End and High-End, Dell-Powered Dedicated Server Plans

  • Thursday, 29th March, 2018
  • 11:58am

3W Infra, a fast-growing Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) hosting company from Amsterdam, the Netherlands, with global operations and more than 4,600 dedicated servers under management, has released its new mid-end and high-end dedicated server plans. These hosting packages are powered by Dell’s latest, 14th generation PowerEdge server technology. 3W Infra expects to enhance its innovative power later on this year by adding AMD-powered (next to Intel-powered) Dell equipment.

3W Infra’s new high-end and mid-range dedicated server packages are powered by Dell PowerEdge R440 and Dell PowerEdge R540 respectively. These server hardware types will replace the previous 3W Infra server packages based on R430 and R530. As a provider of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) solutions on a global scale, 3W Infra has thoroughly tested the 14th generation Dell hardware and expects these new dedicated server plans to cater to the efficiency and performance needs, even the most demanding ones of a variety of its existing and new customers worldwide.

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