Hello. We’ve Updated Our Legal Documentation

  • Wednesday, 20th June, 2018
  • 17:28pm

Dear Customer,

We recently revised our Services Specification, Service Level Agreement, General Conditions and Acceptable Use Policies, and the changes will go into effect on 20 June 2018. We encourage you to carefully review our updated documentation which can be found on our website.

The key updates include:

Services Specification:

  • Editorial changes/updates.

Service Level Agreement:

  • Editorial changes/updates.

General Conditions:

  • Editorial changes/updates;
  • Providing a clear description of the terminology of a Quote, Order, Agreement and Term;
  • Providing clarification on contract renewal;
  • Providing clarification on contract termination.

Acceptable Use Policies:

  • Editorial changes/updates;
  • Description of customer conduct at the data center (facility rules & regulations).

It’s always our intention to be transparent with you, so if you have questions or concerns, fire them off to info@3winfra.com, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.


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